I am participating in the Dish Rag Tag again this year. I am the team captain of team K2Win.
Our box has gone missing!
This happened to my team last year. I am thinking that I should not participate in these kind of things anymore.
I know it's not really me (or is it?), but it sure seems like this happens to me a lot.
The kitties are doing well. They are beginning to get along better. And the kids are still cleaning the cat box and other bodily functions up without batting an eyelash (for the most part). Pye has a touchy stomach some days, and has led to a new realm of clean-up.
The knitting is going very well. I have 5 holiday gifts done, 3 more almost done and only a few more to start. I even have a pair of mittens for my daughter almost done for her 10th (how the heck did that happen?) birthday in 2 weeks.
I am still unable to go to my knitting group on Wed. nights. I can hardly stand it any more. I need to be around other adults that are not work or family related. Some days I just want to pull my hair out. I need that release of hearing other people's troubles, triumphs and enthusiasm. I will not do this again anytime soon.
This month is our Knitting Guild's Trick or Treat swap. I can't wait for this one. I always bring a few things. Some are going to be tricks this year, as well as a treat or two.